Looking for KiwiCo Coupons?

You've come to the right place. Check out our best deals below.

Educator Discounts for Schools and Groups

Use promo code EDUCATOR21 for a 15% off educator discount when ordering 25-99 crates from our Store.

Buying more, interested in bulk subscriptions, or part of a Title I school or other federally funded education program? Talk to us! We can support you further.

*Educator discount is not valid with other promotions or store packs.

Why Should You Use KiwiCo Coupons?

At KiwiCo, all of our science and art projects are designed by experts and tested by kids. Our goal is to inspire kids to grow their creative skills and become awesome problem-solvers. We now offer projects for every age and interest, so our STEM crates provide fun, interactive learning for the whole family. So far, our subscribers have received over 10 million crates and counting!
KiwiCo coupons and promo codes are a great way to get started on creating, exploring, and learning!

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